Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fresh Pasta

Last night I made fresh pasta for the first time in my life!!! It tastes so much better than dried pasta.

This time, I tried this recipe published in Alessandra's blog that I've been wanting to make. I was scared to use flowers from florist because I don't know if it's organic and eatable or not. So, I picked up jasmine flowers that I'm growing on the veranda. It smells super good now.

Then, I picked up the flowers and tried to roll out the dough into flat shape. What was wrong with it? The pasta was thicker than it was supposed to be! Was it because I didn't use a pasta machine? Maybe... It was 1mm thick and was the thinest I could do.

Here is some cooked pasta. You can't see jasmine... Ouch.

Now, I should buy a pasta machine and make it again! But, the taste was good! I want to thank Alessandra.


  1. Well, good effort Sweet Snow Flakes! I never used jasmine for making pasta, what a great idea! If you could not see the flowers maybe you could try to roll it a little bit thinner next time!

    I am happy that the taste was good.


  2. Thanks for your advice! I want to try that again!
