Monday, February 6, 2012

The Bagel Day

My son turned 3 months old last week. He can now drink breast milk better than before. He saves my time now so that I can spend my time on more house keeping and so on. At night he sleeps longer so that he saves my sleeping time as well. Yay, I feel more energetic! Today I baked raisin bagels while my kids were sleeping in the afternoon. Lots of busy moms in the world think the same way as me, don't you think?

Recently my husband craves for any bread! Since we have rice for breakfasts and dinners, and he brings his o-bento with rice every day, he never has bread on weekday. On the other hand, my daughter and I often have some bread for lunch. He is craving for breadddd! So, a rainy cold day like today was great day for baking some for him.

Hmmm...what should I bake? That's the question. It has to be something easy and healthy. Oh, and it shouldn't take long and much ingredients. Then bagels comes into my mind.

I added a lot of raisins. The bagels were smaller than they were supposed to be. What was se wrong with it? Probably I didn't shape well. I should have stretch the dough to make a ring, i guess. Hmmm... But it tasted good! my husband also liked the bagels.

The next day was raining again. It even rained harder, so I baked bagels again!! The weather was a good excuse for me to bake.

I think it turned out better this time. These were a sesame flavor. When they came out from the oven, the flavor of roasted sesame caught everyone's attentions. Yummmm! What a productive day it was!

1 comment:

  1. Konnichiwa!!! Long time no see, isashiburi! How are you?I guess that you have been busy with the children.

    Nice bagels :-).

    Take care
