Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Review

I met a great awesome book at the library yesterday. It is called Meisende tsukuru komono to skirts published from Seibundoshinkosha in 2010.

ISBN 978-4-416-31009-0

Basically, I don't want to remake anything from kimono except sold in pieces because I just love KIMONO as it is. If it's cut into pieces and made into something else, I usually feel sad. When I see anything made of kimono fabric, I think of the sewist, especially antique kimono. But there is an exception! If there are some spots on the kimono that are not removable, or you can't unsewn and resew to hide the spots, there is no way you can't wear it. You need to either throw it away or remake something.

But when I met this book, I wanted to buy antique kimono just to make things out of it! (what a shame on me!). Probably I'll go find some kimono that have too many spots or torns for remake things. Otherwise, I want to wear it as kimono!

If you are interested in handmade with kimono fabrics, why don't you get this book?


  1. It looks great! I also feel sad about cutting kimonos, but if it has to be done the material is always so beautiful that I am sure you could make wonderful things :-)

  2. thank you, Alessandra. And I'm also sure your kimono are happy that you take care of them well!
