Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

How are your holidays? We spent three days over the new year eve with his families. Three families got together(parents-in-law, sister-in-law with her kids and her husband, my husband, our daughter and I) and had a great time.
Needless to say, but we eat and drink lots every time we have a party. Especially my husband eats and drinks the most and gains a few pounds by the end of the holidays.

Anyway, my daughter was happy all the time because her cousin who is 7 years old played with my baby. The both girls became good friends then.

At night of the second day, her two cousins made cocoa and left the bag of milk cocoa powder on the table. Everybody forgot about the cocoa powder left on the table and did something else on their own. Suddenly my husband started laughing and screaming at the same time, and my daughter was in his arms.

OMG... She opened the bag and dug her hand into the sweet cocoa powder! Her mouth and hands were all chocolate brown!!! She'd never had such sweet stuff in her life yet, so this was the first time to taste something sweet. Look at her. Even after we took the bag out of her hands, she still licked her hands and around her mouth! It must have been so delicious for her.

That was the funniest thing over our holidays. Luckily, it happened right before she took a bath... How about yours?

Thanks for reading. Have great holidays.


  1. So cute! Bet you gave her a good bath afterwards!!

    in reply to your query: actually I have some umeshu, and that i do drink, as an aperitif :-) I love it! Maybe it could work for the cake, but since it is rare that there is a drink that I actually drink... I may never know! :-)

    Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu


  2. Thanks for your reply. I was curious if I can use umeshu in that cake! Umeshu is so fruity, so I can't stop drinking once I start!

    Kotoshimo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
